

Monday, January 9, 2012

alright, so...

we're a little over a week into the new year.  the first six days were absolute hell.  life is looking a bit better now.. but sheesh!  I've been battling bronchitis since the 23rd of december!  Mom and I haven't been getting along.  (she doesn't like that I have a new boy in my life.. though she likes him)  On the 1st she asked me to move out.  I wasn't upset.  This needs to happen.  I started to look around.. by the 3rd she came unglued.  (I still don't really understand why..)  A lot of hurtful things were said and I was told to be out by the end of the month.  (Okay.)   I started looking around big time.. figured I'd give my old apartments a call and see what their two beds are going for.  Usually $795 but if I secure by the 15th $700.  I can do that.  Made some calls (grandma..) borrowed the set up money.. badda bing, badda boom.. We move in on the 30th with a rent of $675!  Awesome!!  Never did I dream that I could find a two bed in this area for that rate.  I'm starting to get super excited thinking of how I want to decorate.  It's been almost 3 years since I've had a place completely of my own!
On Thursday 5th / Friday 6th we all had the stomach flu.  yuck!
Now the full moon has rolled in.  Why is it everything goes insane??  Oh well in a couple days life will be back to it's usual.  Except now I have to pack! 

I found this in september. I want to believe it to be true.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

January photo a day - week 1

day 1: meday 2: breakfast
Day 3: something you adore - sleeping babiesDay 4: letterbox
Day 5: something you wore - a towelDay 6: makes you smile - my children's love for one another
Day 7: favorite - nap time

(if you decide to click on the photos, I have 3 facts about each over on flickr)

Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy Holidays 2011

siblingsChristmas 2011

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

34/52- Santa Baby!

34 / 52- Santa Baby002

This week we celebrated your first christmas! You loved the wrapping paper and the lights on the tree. Big brother helped unwrap most of your gifts.
You're becoming very quick at rolling across the room!! You're trying so hard to army crawl and sitting up a little better.
This has been a wonderful year watching you grow.. I'm excited to see what 2012 holds for us.

snow angel

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

33/52- Mommy's Silly Girl

33 / 52- silly girl!

You finished your first FULL jar of baby food. GREEN BEANS! We're getting ready to celebrate your first christmas. I'm pretty excited it's gonna be a big one!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

32/52- Pumped UP kicks

32 / 52- Pumped up Kicks

You've started rolling all around the room. I put you down on one side, went into the kitchen came back after only a minute and you were under the christmas tree!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

31/52- Little Princess

31 / 52 - Little Princess

went to see the doc. got two shots. you weigh 17.12lbs, you're 26 ½" long and your beautiful head is 17 ¼" around.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

30/52- Tiny Dancer

30 / 52- Tiny Dancer

Your hair has started growing finally! Big belly laughs and a silly obsession with your tongue.
The little black shoes I actually wore when I was your age. It's amazing to pass down these little things.. as I hope to do when you're older and have a daughter of your own.

Monday, November 28, 2011

When is the world supposed to end?

As we're getting closer and closer to a new year I see 2012 calendars popping up.  I can't help but think "Isn't the world supposed to end in 2012?"  Now, truthfully I don't believe that.  I feel a little sense of giddiness though, knowing that we are nearing a point in time that some humans never even believed would exist or that life would have gone on this long.  Kind of makes me want to watch 'Encino Man'... If only the Mayans could see life now.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

getting there...

weight loss
This is the first photo I've seen of myself postchildren that I actually like what I see. I've still got some work to do but it is nice to see progress. Definitely a confidence boost putting on clothes that have always been too small, only to find out they're just right if not a little too big. (the pants, I'm in between sizes) Needless too say, I am proud of myself!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

29/52- "Hello There!"

29/52 - "Hello There"always got dem feet!

wic says you weigh 17.8lbs, you're 25 inches long and your noggin' is 17½ around!  I say "You're my chubalubub!"
Definitely in a growth spurt.. you want to eat every 3 hours 6oz with a scoop of rice.
Playing with toys more, wiggling around the floor, grabbing my phone / cup / hair!

:)this one cracks me up..

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Am Blank Because...

I am weird because...

I am 26 years old and love cartoons.
I eat breakfast at noon.
I sleep with seven blankets on my bed.
Often you can find me singing random songs and dancing in my kitchen.

I am a bad friend because...

I forget to call / text back.
I hardly ever have time to get together.
I usually talk about myself and my problems.

I am a good friend because...

I make cookies.
And I'm pretty good at getting others to laugh.

I am sad because...

Actually, I'm not.

I am happy because...

I have two beautiful children. 
A steady source of income.
and a belly full of diet coke.

I am excited for...

The holidays.
And birthdays!
Income Tax RETURN!

I still need to learn how to bake an apple pie!

borrowed this from this lovely lady

Friday, November 18, 2011


I wasted an entire week of my life stressed out.
Also wasted 3.5 hours driving and about 6 hours of my day.
Just to find out the wrong paperwork was filed.
If you want something done right, send a woman.